Guide to choosing customized wardrobe

 Wardrobes are the furnishing solution that presents the most difficulties when choosing because they are usually large elements that occupy large spaces within the environment. It is necessary to take into consideration several factors:


If in the past, the material used was only and exclusively solid wood - stable and very solid - today Bedroom Wardrobe Designs India prefers honeycomb or veneered wood: functional and aesthetically more modern. This technique involves the creation of chipboard panels covered with an external finish that has the same aesthetic effect as wood. When choosing, it is advisable to consider the composition of the chipboard rather than the coating, precisely because a bad internal material quality could jeopardize the entire wardrobe's durability over time.


Another aspect to keep in mind is the size of the wardrobe: this will vary according to its use and the size of the room. In this regard, it is advisable first to examine the space you need, precisely because the choice of the number of wardrobe doors will derive from this. There are several models on the market: from the simple single-door, suitable for rather small rooms and limited use, to those with 6 or even 8 doors, perfect for very large double bedrooms.

The latter type, spacious and well organized, is also known as a four-season wardrobe because it allows you to avoid the stressful change of clothes during the year.       

Square Bedroom

On the other hand, the bedroom has a square plan. It is good to play on the lengths, therefore choosing a wardrobe with 6 or 8 doors. It will also be possible to make the most of the available space by choosing wardrobes that are particularly developed in height: the upper shelves can be easily reached with a ladder and are useful for containing kits and bed linen.

Rectangular bedroom

In the presence of a standard room, and therefore with a rectangular environment, it is preferable to precisely place it next to the bed and correspond with the longest wall to accentuate this dimension.

Wardrobe closet in the hallway

But the wardrobes are not placed only and exclusively in the master bedrooms: in recent years, their use has spread like wildfire, even in the corridors. In this case, the objective will be opposite to that of the first situation describedto make them seem longer: it is advisable to place one on the side, making sure to leave the necessary space for the passage.

Accessories for a functional wardrobe

No furnishing solution related to wardrobes will be functional if you do not first consider which accessories and shelves will have to be inserted inside them.There are numerous types of Bedroom Sliding Wardrobe Designs, but some are essential to obtain an efficient organization of the internal space.

It is possible to choose from a wide variety of separator elements designed by Sliding Door Wardrobe India. 

Finally, Wardrobe Manufacturers Near Me recommends installing a LED lighting system inside the wardrobe, allowing you to illuminate the darkest corners without affecting your utility bills too much.


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